Wednesday 30 November 2011

Winter Care For Pets

The onset of winter poses special risks to your pets. A pet’s need for food, shelter and love increases during the cold winter months. When the temperature drops, bring your pets indoor with the rest of your family. Even if your mom won’t allow your pet to come in, there are things you can do to prevent the pet’s suffering in the winter.
While pets like Germen Shepherds and some long haired dogs are prepared for the cold weather, many pets are not. We develop a false sense of security about our pets’ ability to keep and stay warm because of their fur.Yet; pets can suffer from hypothermia just like people do.
If you are not allowed to keep your pet indoors, make a strong, dry and draught-free doghouse with a flap over the entrance. Be sure the doghouse is large enough so the dog can sit or stand to hold in his body heat. The floor should be at least 2 inches above the ground and covered inside with straw, which will dry faster than a towel or blanket if wet.
Staying warm requires extra calories. Increase your pet’s feed accordingly. This does not mean feeding all Diwali or New Year sweets to your dog, but a planned increase in caloric diet. Talk to your veterinarian about your pet’s needs. Pet’s can get dehydrated in winter too. So be sure your pet has plenty of fresh water. If your pet is not interested in plain water, add a little flavour such as milk in it.
Indoor pets should also be provided with a warm and dry area free from draughts. Provide a bedding on the floors, and wash the bedding every week, if possible. Your dog needs a well-groomed coat to keep it properly insulated. Regular brushing on daily or weekly basis will help remove dead hair and stimulate the skin to improve hair growth.
Avoid bathing the pet in winter. If you have to bathe your pet, do so on a sunny day and dry it with a towel before letting it loose.
Shorthaired pets may feel more comfortable wearing a sweater vest during the winter months, especially when taken out for a walk. When using a sweater, be careful about skin diseases which tend to remain hidden under the clothing.

Saturday 26 November 2011

Era Of Supercars

Supercar is a term used most often to describe an expensive high end car. It has been defined specifically as "a very expensive, fast or powerful car".Stated in more general terms: "it must be very fast, with sporting handling to match", "it should be sleek and eye-catching" and its price should be "one in a rarefied atmosphere of its own".

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Lose Your Weight Easily

Few Tips to Help you Reduce Weight :

1. Consume food just before being satisfied then stop, not just before being full or breathless.

2. Do some type of exercise every single day.Exercise improves the metabolism in your body. 

3. Calorie reducing diet plans appeal to mostly everyone, depending on their personal body index mass (BMI). So, there's a customized menu for people that will assist you lose all of the fats without compromising quality of meals and health.

 4. Having a sufficient number of water. Those who are victorious especially weight loss really can not cross the water to help them in their diet. The digestion of food, excretion of toxins and nutrient cycling could not win without water.

5. Do not cut meals especially breakfast. To be victorious in the diet, eating meals regularly.

6. Go for green tea. Green tea contains caffeine, which can assist the body to carry the waste or stored fat.

Sometimes, some doctors may recommend that you have some supplements of drugs to help you lose weight. This is usually done to help reduce your appetite, keep the rate at which your body takes fat, or reduce your stomach. In some other words, you do not feel like eating much of the time.

Monday 21 November 2011

Green Fuel-No More Crisis

The “green petrol” – as the researchers describe it – is identical to standard petrol, yet created from sustainable biomass sources like switchgrass.It may take five to 10 years for the green petrol to arrive at the pump or find its way into a fighter jet, his team’s work has bypassed significant hurdles to bringing green petrol biofuels to market. It is likely that the future consumer will not even know that they are putting biofuels into their car.

It is also a positive move towards joining the world in the drive towards sustainable renewable energy sources.
But as is to be expected, most motorists are still skeptical of this newly available fuel type as they are not aware of its benefits or whether they can trust it in their vehicle engines.For thIS new approach, the researchers rapidly heated cellulose in the presence of solid catalysts – materials that speed up reactions without sacrificing themselves in the process – and then rapidly cooled the products to create a liquid that contains many of the compounds found in petrol. The entire process was completed in about two minutes using relatively moderate amounts of heat, said the researchers. According to them, the compounds that formed in that single step, like naphthalene and toluene, make up one fourth of the suite of chemicals found in petrol. The liquid can be further treated to form the remaining fuel components or can be used “as is” for a high-octane petrol blend.There will not be just a small carbon footprint for the process; by recovering heat and generating electricity, there won’t be any footprint. They are now working with a host of leaders from academia, industry and government to make green petrol a practical solution for the impending fuel crisis. Scientists are currently working on understanding the chemistry of this process and designing new catalysts and reactors for this single step technique. This fundamental chemical understanding will allow us to design more efficient processes that will accelerate the commercialisation of green petrol.

Sunday 20 November 2011

Organic Food Comes Knocking

A basic principle in organic farming is that it should be conducted in cooperation with the environment, where the farm is treated as part of a natural cycle. Central to this philosophy is the use of crop rotation, in which different plant types are cycled over successive years on a given plot of land.
To be designated as organic, vegetables and grains must be grown on fields where chemical fertilizers or pesticides have not been used for at least two years before sowing. An application for organic status must be on file for a monitored two-year “withdrawal period” prior to first harvest. Organic livestock farming is also subject to special rules. Animal feed must be organic and mainly produced on the farm.
Shifting from conventional to organic farming—known as transitioning—is often challenging for the farmer, as it may be characterized by decreased harvests and problems with weeds and parasites. During transitions, the grower must learn new ways of working and identify the plant varieties that thrive best under the new conditions. In Swedish agriculture, yields from organic farms are generally lower than in conventional agriculture, although this may be partially offset by lower production costs, higher prices for the products and government environmental subsidies.
Delivery of fresh organic vegetables directly to the door creates a secure market for growers, saves time for consumers and decreases the use of chemicals in agriculture. At the same time, this is a profitable business,